Seed Quality Testing
Seed is the most valuable operational input even if it is comparatively low cost. Identifying, testing and retaining good quality seed is paramount for successful sowing in the following season.
If harvest is wet the potential of seed quality downgrades present. As a guide if your falling numbers are <150 then the seed has severely sprouted and should not be used for sowing. Preferably only keep seed >200 but seed testing is a must.
A germination and vigour test combination are preferable as this will provide germination under unfavourable conditions, which is more likely to what happens in the field. Sometimes a germination test can be good, but a vigour test comes back poor, hence a poor field germination outcome.
A 1000 seed weight (TSW) analysis is also important as this will allow accurate seeding rates, crucial in managing crop biomass. Seed size varies season to season and seeding rates will need to adjust accordingly. NVT data for TSW are provided in your seeding charts, however your own TSW is more accurate.
Seed quality can also be impacted by plant virus’ and disease…